Partonomy list P3, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

muscles of neck

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Current level muscles of neck Extended
Subsidiary language with Latin
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Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
1730 tax
muscles of neck
musculi cervicis
45738 1731 tax
platysma (pair)
platysma (par)
13370 1732 tax
long muscle of neck (pair) ; longus colli muscle (pair)
musculus longus cervicis (par) ; musculus longus colli (par)
46308 1733 tax
long muscle of head (pair) ; longus capitis muscle (pair)
musculus longus capitis (par)
13385 1734 tax
anterior scalene muscle (pair) ; scalenus anterior muscle (pair)
musculus scalenus anterior (par)
13386 1735 tax
middle scalene muscle (pair) ; scalenus medius muscle (pair)
musculus scalenus medius (par)
13387 1736 tax
posterior scalene muscle (pair) ; scalenus posterior muscle (pair)
musculus scalenus posterior (par)
64827 1737 tax
(smallest scalene muscle (pair); scalenus minimus muscle (pair))
(musculus scalenus minimus (par) )
13407 1738 tax
sternocleidomastoid muscle (pair) ; sternocleidomastoideus muscle (pair)
musculus sternocleidomastoideus (par)
13460 15238 tax
sternal head of sternocleidomastoid muscle (pair)
caput sternale musculi sternocleidomastoidei (par)
45776 15239 tax
clavicular head of sternocleidomastoid muscle (pair)
caput claviculare musculi sternocleidomastoidei (par)
1739 tax
musculi suboccipitales (par)
71301 1746 tax
musculi suprahyoidei (par)
1753 tax
infrahyoid muscles P4 16 children
musculi infrahyoidei
1768 tax
pharyngeal muscles P4 49 children
musculi pharyngis
1769 tax
laryngeal muscles P4 34 children
musculi laryngei
16 lines
56.3 %
62.5 %
Scientific notes
Type of list P3
List Unit Identifier 1730
Sublist 1 1739 musculi suboccipitales 20/7 on 9.11.2022
Sublist 2 1746 musculi suprahyoidei 23/8 on 9.11.2022
Sublist 3 1753 musculi infrahyoidei 16/9 on 21.10.2022
Sublist 4 1768 musculi pharyngis 49/20 on 21.10.2022
Sublist 5 1769 musculi laryngis 34/13 on 21.10.2022
Subtotals subchildren 142 subunits 57
Proper children 35
Number of children 177 (validated)
Proper units 11
Number of units 68 (validated)
Signature 14598 (validated since 21.10.2022)
Date: 18.08.2024